Umlungu: The Colourful History of a Word Used to Describe White People in South Africa
Unlocking Bilingual Minds: The Psychology of Code-Switching in Multicultural Conversations
Forensic Linguists: The Experts Who Can Make or Break a Court Case
A New English Dialect Emerges in South Florida: The Linguistic Mosaic of a Multicultural Region
A Multilingual Legacy: How Britain’s Language Diversity Has Shaped Its History
Is ‘Africa’ a Racial Slur? Exploring the Controversy and the Debate Over Renaming the Continent
Is There an Optimal Age for Language Acquisition?: Debunking the Myth of the Perfect Time to Learn a New Language
How Spoken Language Developed: An Evolutionary Journey
Linguistics & Language Preservation: Exploring how linguistics aids endangered languages
Hyperlexia: Understanding and Unraveling the Mystery of Precocious Reading
The Silent Erosion: How Languages Perish
Accents: A marker of culture or a symbol of otherness?
Eine sprachmauer? Berlin's divided language
What The…Football?! Multilingualism in the Beautiful Game
Linguistic imperialism and the global spread of English
The structure of a culture: The role of language in maintaining a common culture
Languages Online: The missing languages of the internet
Hangul: How an alphabet united social classes
Swardspeak: The LGBTQ+ language of the Philippines
Dyslexia & Language learning: can you be dyslexic in one language and not another?